Home General Backups Are Essential

Backups Are Essential

by Mike Sullivan

A few weeks back I posted aboutย  Backup Buddy, a plug in for backing up an entire WordPress site.ย ย  I had been searching for a simple solution for some time and I was happy when I found one that seemed to be an easy and all inclusive solution.ย  About a week later, I began having issues with my blog feed not long working.ย  I tried for days to find the issue but had no success.ย  I disabled all my plugins, deleted a couple of posts, tried some feed plugins that fix spaces in XML code and anything else I could think of.ย  I even tried to restore my entire blog on the existing server.ย  Nothing worked.ย  Finally, I decided to move my site to a new server.

I was able to quickly move the entire site over using the backup I created and I did it fairly quickly.ย  Sure enough, the feed began working without a problem.ย  I still don’t know what the issue was, but I’m damn glad I had a backup and could quickly move it to a new server.

While I can attest to the ease of Back Buddy, there are also other options, that each seem well worth the low cost associated with them.ย  As tricolorro mentioned in the comments of my original post, Domain Name Wire has a post that mentions a couple of options.ย  Another reader contacted me about BlogVault.net which costs just $29 per year and includes the Amazon S3 cloud storage service.ย  The important thing to remember is that your site can go down at anytime for any reason.ย  You’d be mistaken to think that your hosting company is keeping a backup of your site, so be proactive and make sure you have an automated solution in place.

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1 comment

Chris November 1, 2010 - 8:58 pm

Good advice, Mike…..I really need to actually take it!…lol


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