Home Domains Estibot Search Volume vs. Google

Estibot Search Volume vs. Google

by Mike Sullivan

Many people depend on global search volume when making decisions around domain names. They look at these numbers when deciding to buy, sell, and when considering prices in some cases. A common question I see asked on forums is “Why is Estibot search statistics different from that of Google?” I have seen different answers, one recently which said that they are the same but it’s just a timing difference. That is not correct. To end the debate once and for all, I sent the question to Estibot’s customer service e-mail address. The reply was as follows.

Hi Mike,

We use proprietary data collection systems to estimate monthly search volumes. You are correct that the figures are not the same as Google’s. We are pretty confident that they are equally valid, though.


So while this answer doesn’t reveal the exact source, we can now all agree that it is not the same as Google.   What has been your experience with these two different sources of search data?  Do you rely on one over the other?

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Johan May 30, 2010 - 11:32 am

I tend to first use Estibot to filter out domains from larger lists, and then afterwards use the Google Keyword Tool to look closer at interesting domains.

Anil May 30, 2010 - 11:54 am

My understanding …

Estibot data = Google + Yahoo + Bing + Other SE’s
Google Data = Just Google SE Data.

Sully May 30, 2010 - 12:50 pm

@Johan, I follow a similar strategy. It seems to work well.

Sully May 30, 2010 - 12:52 pm

@Anil, your comment prompted me too look closer at Google’s data. Here’s a little more info from Google’s own help page:

“The updated Keyword Tool combines search data across Google.com and all affiliated search properties. Data from the Search-based Keyword Tool is based solely on searches on Google.com. Numeric data between the tools may also differ due to rounding. “

TJ June 1, 2010 - 5:52 pm

The two (google/estibot) don’t mesh on a lot of metrics. Here is an example of what I struggle with in determining if a name makes sense; questioning what numbers are accurate; and what to do with the resulting site.

I use this just as an example:

[whiplash lawyer]
Average Monthly Searches: 27

Google Exact Word:
[whiplash lawyer] 49,500 exact word match; 04.2010

DomainSuperstar (google # based):
[whiplash lawyer] 33,696 exact word match; today

Sully June 1, 2010 - 5:56 pm

@TJ, do you know the source of DomainSuperstars.com’s stats if it differs from Google?


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