If you visit Domaining.com on a regular basis, like I do, you can’t help but notice that many of the bloggers featured have a picture of themselves next to their headline. Back when I started, I submitted my site’s logo to go along with headlines, as many other bloggers have done as well. I was recently wondering which is better? While I think a logo is a good direction to go if you are looking to brand a business, a head shot makes more sense for personal branding. I have a legal entity in place to backup any of my business deals, but I blog as an individual and write about my experiences. So then, does it make sense to feature a head shot as opposed to my logo? What do you think?
Mike Sullivan
Mike Sullivan is a domain investor, internet developer and regular guy, sharing information on the domain industry and online businesses. If you want to learn domaining and save yourself hours, days, weeks, or even months of trial and error, check this out: Making Money With Domains!
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Of course you should.
@Joe, Alright, I think I will. Now I just need to find a good head shot.
You’re better looking than all of us so you might as well.
You put yours ^ 🙂 so I don’t see why not. My head shot is blurry, but I do have my Packers shirt on!
I voted head shot.
@Jamie, you had to slip in the Packers.
It adds a face with your blog I think you should.
@Brian, that’s what I’m thinking.
I think a head shot is good for you. When I first ran into your blog…I thought for some reasons that the blog was written by a lady or a husband/wife couple.
@Poor Uncle – ok, for that reason alone, I think I’ll do it!
Definitely a head shot. I would, but my mug might scare off potential buyers.
@Domain Nitro, I’m afraid of that 🙂
I say go put your face on it 🙂
Ill be the first one to say no!
Yes it will add a face to your blog – but that’s what your gravatar is for.. I personally hate looking at everyone’s face on domaining LOL – Im there to read articles
I think yours is different without a face profile – so be different – dont join the crowd.
I think the picture adds a personal touch, but it really depends on which direction you want to go, like you said, and either staying consistent with what people are used to, or emphasizing your ‘face’ as your brand.
People are so used to seeing that purple tie picture of Elliot, that we hardly give it a second thought. Just like Chef’s little ‘superhero’ caricature, which he even wears on his t-shirts at conferences.
Your image is equally as appealing, so why not? There just probably isn’t as strong of association there for me because I also think of the infinity sign and blue/white color scheme.
But what do I know? I don’t even have a Gravatar. 🙂