Home General Opportunity… if you’re looking for it

Opportunity… if you’re looking for it

by Mike Sullivan

You’ve probably noticed a significant dip in the frequency of my posts lately.ย  I haven’t abandoned domaining or my blog.ย  I haven’t filled a vacancy over at Oversee and I haven’t been creating a list of all the .xxx domains I should register.

Over the past several weeks, I’ve been much more involved in the day to day operations at MO.com and loving every minute of it.ย  I believe so strongly in what MO stands for that I have become a partner in the business.ย  We’ve attracted some great entrepreneurs and business owners wanting to share their stories.ย  We’ve moved from written interviews to a good mixture of both video and written interviews.ย  We are even posting our domain related stories on Domaining.com.ย  The information on MO is valuable to anyone in business because these are the people navigating the entrepreneurial waters and showing us all the best ways they know.

Opportunity is knocking.ย  We are now moving into our next phase and opening up MO to what we call “City Publishers.”ย  This is an opportunity for you, or someone you know, to own your city for $50 per month (introductory rate) (see MO.com for latest rates) and keep 100% of the revenues for your city (written or video interviews, interview sponsors, advertisers, etc.).ย  If you’re aย  local service provider, it’s also an excellent SEO opportunity to create links for yourself, links for your clients within the interviews and you’ll be featured as owning that city.ย  And it’s a great door opener for your existing business to reach out to a potential client and say “I’m with MO.com and we do feature interviews with entrepreneurs and small business operators, we’d like to conduct a feature interview with you on our site.”

If you’re interested in hearing more, feel free to email me or check out the City Publishers link at MO.com.

I’ve got a couple of great posts coming up on Sully’s Blog, so stay tuned.

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Jeff March 21, 2011 - 3:36 pm

Congratulations. Your with the big guns now and mo owner!

Looks like an interesting program.

Mike Sullivan March 21, 2011 - 4:44 pm

It’s a great thing going and room for others too.


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