Home Domains If Your Server Crashes, Are You Screwed?

If Your Server Crashes, Are You Screwed?

by Mike Sullivan

Many domainers use WordPress to develop domains, it’s not strictly for those who write blogs any more. The themes and plugins have come such a long and the platform is so flexible. Many developers create sites that are nothing like blogs and function well as standard websites using WordPress as the content management system.

I use WordPress for this blog and one of the things I have struggled with is scheduling a thorough backup process. I have visions of my server crashing and all my posts being lost followed by me pulling out all my hair and banging my head against my keyboard until my face bleeds. In an effort to avoid that, I have found a couple of free plugins that will back up the Wordpress files and others that backup the plugins. As for the database, that has to be done separately and I could schedule cron jobs to do it, if I knew how.ย  I, however, like to take the easiest path. The path of least resistance.

While searching for a theme for a site relaunch I am planning, I came across a plugin on iThemes.com. The plugin is called BackupBuddy (aff) and I almost fell of my chair with excitement when I saw it. It’s exactly what I have been looking for. It’s not free, but it’s only $49 for the personal version which allows you to back up two different sites. You can upgrade if you have more sites you want to install it on.

Here’s what I love about it:

  • It’s Easy. Done through simple WP menus I’m familiar with.
  • It’s Inexpensive. It would probably cost me that to hire someone from elance.com to do the backup for me, once.
  • It Backs Up EVERYTHING. It backs up widgets, themes, plugins, and databases all in one shot!
  • It’s Automated. You automate it by scheduling it hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, etc.ย  “Set it and forget it.”
  • It Has a Restore Feature that allows you to quickly restore the site or migrate to a new server in no time.

This plugin has just simplified my life and now I rest a little easier.ย  It’s the simple things in life that make us happy.

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Chris October 9, 2010 - 8:37 pm

Good catch, Mike… ๐Ÿ™‚

I’ve been looking for exactly that kind of thing. Thanks for posting about it.

Mike Sullivan October 9, 2010 - 8:41 pm

No problem, and installed easily and worked well. Only wish my email quota was large enough to allow the backup to be mailed to me.

Akshat October 9, 2010 - 9:30 pm


I think my service blogvault(http://blogvault.net) would be ideal for you. Our service lets you automatically backup all parts of your site onto our servers + Amazon S3. We also provide easy mechanisms to restore as well as ways to monitor the progress of your backup.

Would appreciate it if you try out blogVault.


tricolorro October 10, 2010 - 10:15 am


Some time ago Andrew of DomainNameWire wrote about a back up plug-in for Wordpress called Vault Press.

It was created by the same folk who created Wordpress.

Apparently it continually backs up your blog.

It costs more than BackUpBuddy I believe.

Anyway in case you are interested, here’s a link to Andrew’s blog posting:


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