Home Domains Missing an Opportunity With Domains

Missing an Opportunity With Domains

by Mike Sullivan

I don’t condone registering names involving trademarks. At the same time, I’m amazed at large corporations that haven’t fully thought through their online strategies. There are some names that have been bought up by squatters or inadvertently by investors that may not realize they registered a name containing a trademark. But there are others that are still available for registration. If the corporations don’t snap them up soon, someone else will in an attempt to profit.

  • DairyQueenCakes.com forwards to the DairyQueen.com site. Yet, DairyQueenIceCream.com is an unregistered name.
  • BurgerKingFries.com is available with over 2,000 exact global monthly searches from Google.
  • StratocasterBody.com is available with over 14,000 exact global monthly searches from Google.
  • Better yet, PorscheCayenneGTS.com is available with over 22,200 global monthly searches from Google.

Wouldn’t it be worth the time for these companies to hire a domain consultant to sift through and snatch up these names? My guess is that the value added by owning the names would quickly pay for the cost of the consultant. In fact, it wouldn’t take a professional domain consultant to accomplish this. What if these companies hired a college kid for the summer as an intern and put him/her to work at researching names, products, and generic terms related to their business?

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The Fromainer June 13, 2010 - 4:01 pm

Not into trademark infringement either but as a passionate guitarist myself I am intrigued by StratocasterBody.com.
With 14000 exact searches there is clearly a demand here. Would be great for selling replacement and relic’d Strat bodies, the better custom examples of which which can command high prices. Kerching!

Bram C. June 14, 2010 - 5:33 am

I was surprised that PizzaHut.org was available for registration a few days ago (4+ million exact searches/month) but someone who seems to like trademark infringements picked it up shortly after and already put it up for sale.

Bram C. June 14, 2010 - 5:39 am

And Pizzahut.net redirects to a porn site… Where is the world going to … :p

Sully June 14, 2010 - 6:21 am

@Fromainer, I found some other cool Strat names as well. I’m sure there are other guitar brands lacking out there.

@Bram, looks like it’s registered to a guy in Switzerland (country code CH).

Hawaiian Shirt Guy June 14, 2010 - 6:34 am

The companies don’t pick them up because they do not want to spend for something “un-necessary” (developers: we both know better!).

But I think that is how they see it.

If a third party buys ‘their’ url, all their attorneys need do is send a letter (cost = postage stamp) and bill the client (cost = yougottabekiddingme!).

Sully June 14, 2010 - 6:42 am

@Hawaiian Shirt Guy, You’re right. It’s bad for the domaining industry when lawyers / ICANN gets involved. Those doamins could be easily put to use by the Trademark owners up front.https://sullysblog.com/wp-admin/edit-comments.php?p=345&approved=1#comments-form

Chris June 14, 2010 - 11:34 am

This is interesting. I was just looking for information about trademark domains. I have had thoughts about buying one or two, sort of in the fan site kind of way, but have heard that it is really easy for companies to reclaim domains with their trademark terms.

Is there a good book or website with basic legal info about domains? I’m also interested in the step by step process of buying, parking (or developing), and then selling.

I think it’s only a matter of time before companies like Burger King, as you mentioned above, see the value of owning related term domains.

Sully June 14, 2010 - 12:00 pm

@Chris, check out this book https://sullysblog.com/The-Domain-Game for starters. Also, stay on top of the blogs for good info. I haven’t come across a book focused on legal aspects of domaining, but it is discussed on many of the forums.

LisaWeb June 14, 2010 - 6:17 pm

” If the corporations donโ€™t snap them up soon, someone else will in an attempt to profit.”

Doesnt matter. The corporation has the law on its side. Just because your neighbor leaves his garage door open doesnt mean you can go in there and take his lawnmower.

Sully June 14, 2010 - 6:34 pm

@Lisa, that’s true. But just because someone isn’t supposed to take your neighbors lawnmower doesn’t mean they wont. It also depends on how aggressive corporations want to be. Some go after violators while others seem not to.

John Humphrey June 15, 2010 - 3:17 pm

I see these all the time as well- a company or store name just off the drop that you know could make a big impact on their business. Once in a while I’ll track down an email address and let them know. Occasionally I’ll even get a ‘thank you’ for my efforts. I call that ‘good will domaining’. Especially if it’s for a non-profit, an author, or company you actually care about I think this is a valuable thing to do. So often it’s the sleazy, ambulance-chasing, exploitation domainers that get written about- spreading a little domain love around helps balance the score.

Sully June 15, 2010 - 10:47 pm

@John, I like your concept of โ€˜good will domainingโ€™. I hope it spreads.


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