Home Domains The Power of The Twitter Background

The Power of The Twitter Background

by Mike Sullivan

I’ll admit I’m pretty new to Twitter.  In fact, I actually kind of resisted it for the longest time.  I just didn’t get it.  But once I spent a little time following people, I realized what an amazing tool it was.  If you’re a domainer it’s a must!  In fact, if you own a business, work for a business, freelance, or have absolutely any need to network at all (and who doesn’t?), Twitter is a must.

But let me focus in… I recently realized the value of the Twitter background.  Just like a web page, your Twitter page has a background image that you can control.  Twitter offers some colors and patterns, and there are also some other free service that offer the same.  Let me tell you, if you are using those, you are missing out on a huge marketing opportunity.  Think about it… that space has enormous value.

I happened to notice how some of the people I was following had made great use of this space.  Here are some good examples:

@BuyDomains tiles their logo and domain name across the page.  No mistaking that.
@iDotz clearly states their business in the left column of their page.
@gdomains has a background that is super clean and elegant.  I really like this because they utilize both the left and right columns of the page.
@mashable, with Pete Cashmore looking a little like Justin Timberlake in this pic, or is it just me?
@ChattyGalBlog makes good use of her background to promote her blog and gain some personal identity.

As a domainer, you can use this space to list some of your domain names that are for sale, or draw attention to your website where a complete list can be found.  I just created a simple background and popped it onto my Twitter page just  before publishing this post.  It’s a plain and simple background, but I didn’t want to waste any time capitalizing on the space.  In time, I’ll make some updates and include a more professionally designed background, but for now, it will do.  I may even add a few sites for sale.  Tell me what YOU think of my simple background.

Use this competitive advantage.  Have a look, the majority of Tweeters aren’t.

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The Fromainer June 12, 2010 - 2:07 am

Hey Sully,
Twitter background looks cool, clean and minimalist whilst informing people of what you do.
Where did you make this background?

Sully June 12, 2010 - 5:59 am

I made it with Photoshop and saved the PSD file so I can quickly make changes in the future. I did see a couple of free services that allow you to put something together. I’ll post those if I find them again. There are several sites that will create a custom background for you for around $100 if you don’t have the design skills needed.


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