Home Domain Sales “Big” player states “Get MORE out of Domain Parking.”

“Big” player states “Get MORE out of Domain Parking.”

by Mike Sullivan

Andrew Allemann is Senior Vice President of Business Development for BigJumbo.  He’s been writing Domain Name Wire since 2005 and joined Directi’s media businesses, including BigJumbo, Skenzo and Media.net, last year.  BigJumbo is backed by both Directi and The Ashmore Group, a $35B+ private equity group based in the UK.  BigJumbo has been around for several years, but was basically an invite-only parking company that didn’t promote itself much.  They relaunched the service last Fall to everyone.

Mike:  What first attracted me to BigJumbo was a banner ad I saw on Domaining.com.  The ad stated “Get MORE out of Domain Parking.”  That really stood out to me because, well, domain parking isn’t what it once was.  Tell me how BigJumbo is different than other parking companies?

Andrew:  We built BigJumbo from the ground up to be different.  It’s built with going beyond pay-per-click in mind, including CPM and CPA monetization.

It’s also designed to be very simple for our clients.  The first thing you’ll notice is that sign up is instantaneous.  You don’t have to wait for an account manager to approve your account.  You can start parking your domains and earning money today.  It’s also a “hands off” service, where you can park your domains and let us take care of optimization.  Of course you can help and suggest keywords/templates by contacting your account manager, but it’s not required.

Mike:  What can domainers who park their domains with you expect?  Can you direct me to a sample of one of your parked pages?

Andrew:  Here are a few sample templates:


Mike:  Tell me about the “up to $5,000 sign up bonus” which is a promotion at the time of this writing.

Andrew:  For your first 30 days you’ll get a bonus of $10 for every $100 you earn on BigJumbo, up to $5,000.  You need to sign up by the end of January to take advantage of the bonus.

Mike:  I have seen some of my parked domains dropped from Google’s index due to duplicate content.  Is that an issue with Big Jumbo?  I’ve read a little bit about your optimization algorithms.  Do they help in this area?

Andrew:  Domain parking isn’t meant to be fodder for search engines.  It’s not really a duplicate content issue unless you’re talking about systems that create mini sites with republished articles.

Mike:  In your opinion, what does the future of parking look like?  Can we expect changes in the industry in the short term future?

Andrew:  I think we’re seeing changes on a couple fronts.  First, parking companies are starting to move beyond just pay-per-click, and we’re at the forefront of this.  Second, we’re seeing a huge focus on quality traffic by advertising partners.  Fortunately traffic quality is something BigJumbo has always monitored closely.

Mike:  Without revealing anyone’s identity, can you share what some of your top customers make as far as monthly revenue per domain?

Andrew:  Unlike our Skenzo domain parking product, BigJumbo is open to everyone.  That means it runs the gambit. We have a lot of clients in the four and five figures a month range, but also plenty with smaller portfolios that earn less than $1,000 a month.

Mike:  Anything else you’d like to share?

Andrew:  We’ll have a booth at DOMAINfest and welcome the opportunity to meet with potential clients there.

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kandyjet January 18, 2011 - 11:48 am

Wow templates looks impressive. should give a try…

Mike Sullivan January 18, 2011 - 1:48 pm

If nothing else, they at least look different than what we have all been trained to see, so they stand out.

RH January 18, 2011 - 3:28 pm

Good write up Mike and Andrew. I do like the templates. Is there a ref link Mike ? I would sign up under you if it helps you out.

Mike Sullivan January 18, 2011 - 3:36 pm

@RH, no referral link… just check them out and post back how your experience is.

Neil @ DomainNamesIndex January 18, 2011 - 6:10 pm

Very helpful info (Jeez, but doesn’t that sounds like an auto-created comment intro….?)
They sound new and interesting and I’ll punt some domains over and see what they’re like. Example templates look very nice – let’s see how much one can personalise…..

Mike Sullivan January 20, 2011 - 7:09 pm

@Neil, now if you only said “I’ll be sure to check your blog often…” it would qualify as spam 🙂


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