Home Domains Busy? – 5 Podcasts You Need to Follow

Busy? – 5 Podcasts You Need to Follow

by Mike Sullivan

Life is busy.ย  You don’t have to remind me.ย  We’ve all got our own story about why there aren’t enough hours in the day, and I’m not denying that those stories are legit.ย  The day job is really interfering with your side gig… ย  Wait, you still need to find time to eat, sleep and spend quality time with the family?ย  Should you hit the gym today or use that hour to catch up on something else?ย  Do you have time left to hit Domaining.com and read up on the latest in the domain industry?

Aside from being a domainer, I’m also a productivity freak.ย  Always looking for ways to do things better, faster, more effectively.ย  When it comes to a busy schedule, there is one easy way to stay up to date on domaining.ย  Podcasts.

I’m not saying that podcasts can or should replace your daily news feed, but they are a great alternative on those days where you know you’ll be sitting in traffic, working out at the gym, or riding the train for an hour.ย  But where can you catch some domain love via podcast?ย  Here are my top five picks at the moment.

1.ย  DomainSherpa.com

Michael Cyger hit the domain scene up side the head when he launched DomainSherpa.com.ย ย  Since that time, he has produced some of the best and informative video interviews and discussions the industry has ever seen.ย  Michael is serious about delivering information and the program often runs over an hour long.ย  In all honesty, I don’t have the time or attention span to sit in front of my computer at home and make it through a full episode.ย  I do however spend a lot of time commuting.ย  It’s a great opportunity to get some of the industry’s best information facilitated by Cyger.

2. DomainNameWire.com

Led by Andrew Allemann, DNW is the longest running blog covering the business of domain names.ย  Allemann talks about the latest news in the domain industry and interviews relevant guests as well.ย  I have been a long time fan of the blog but only recently began listening to the podcasts which go back to October of 2014, so I have some catching up to do.

3. Domain Masters

Domain Masters is actually the first domain podcast I ever listed to.ย  They help you become “The Master of Your Domain” (feel free to insert your own Seinfeld reference here).ย  It’s also the longest running podcast in the industry.ย  However, there hasn’t been a new episode on itunes this year.ย  I’m not sure what the fate of the program is, but there is an extensive backlog of episodes to help educate you.

4. OZDomainer.com

Ed Keay-Smith is the founder of OzDomainer.com.ย  The domainer from down under has a catalog of past podcasts running back to 2010.ย  There seems to be a gap in audio between 2013 and 2016, but the blog and podcasts are worth checking out.

5. InternetBusinessMastery.com

I stumbled across this podcast a couple of years back.ย  While it’s not domain specific, it’s all about online business and making money online.ย  I actually interviewed Jeremy and Jason, the guys behind the podcast, a couple of years ago but some technical difficulties in the the recording prevented me from posting it.ย  Maybe I’ll clean up what I can and post it soon.ย  There websiste is pretty “salesy” but there is some excellent content these guys share in their podcasts.

Let me know your thoughts on these podcasts and what your favorites are that I haven’t mentioned.ย  I haven’t done a ton of exploring here so I’m hoping to here of some additional domaining podcasts from you in the comments that I can add to my library.

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Michael Cyger August 17, 2016 - 9:25 am

Thanks for the recommendation of DomainSherpa and others in the industry, Mike.

I’m fortunate to not have to commute any longer, but I do take other podcasts with me during my runs — and I enjoy learning something new while I workout.

Mike Sullivan August 17, 2016 - 6:33 pm

Michael, thanks visiting, and keep up the great work!

Eric Lyon August 17, 2016 - 10:59 am

Excellent list of suggestions for easy listening “on the go”. While I haven’t really plugged in and listened much to podcasts over the years while driving or tapping away on my keyboard working, I think it’s time I started doing it more.

Mike Sullivan August 17, 2016 - 6:34 pm

@Eric, there are some great ones out there in addition to these.


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