Home Domains Day 12 – Contribute

Day 12 – Contribute

by Mike Sullivan

You’ve arrived at day 12 of 21 day2 to becoming a better domainer.  You’re over the hump in this series.  Today topic is about giving back.  I’ll accept checks, cash, Bitcoin, and select gift cards.  Alright, sounded funnier in my head than when I wrote it.  We’re talking about giving back to the domain community.  There are many ways to do this and we’ll touch on a few.

You’ve been a domainer now for somewhere between 12 days (if you stumbled onto this series and began to follow along blindly) and 27 years (if you’re the guy that register Symbolics.com).  In either case, you have gained some know-how.  Maybe a little or maybe a massive amount.  The fact is, you have something to share.  Somewhere out there is a person or group of people that know less than you do.  It’s in your best interest to spread the knowledge.

Teach a friend

One day, several years ago, I met an old work colleague for lunch.  We hadn’t seen each other in quite some time and when we were catching up, I was speaking passionately about the domain industry.  It intrigued him and he began asking me all sorts of questions.  Some I had answers to and others I didn’t.  As a result of this conversation, he wanted to meet so I could share more with him.  This time, I decided to prepare.  I wanted to impress and show that I knew what I was talking about.  So I brushed up on some of the unanswered questions he previously had and tried to anticipate the flow of the conversation.  In doing this prep work, I sharpened my own knowledge of what I was talking about.  I filled in gaps I didn’t even know I was missing.

There is an Latin principle, Docendo discimus “to teach is to learn.”  I have found that is the most enjoyable way to learn and an effective way as well.

Comment on Forums and Blogs

Yes, we talked about this a couple of times, but sometimes it’s worth beating a dead horse.  By doing so, you’ll hear from other who disagree with you and some for good reason.  They may cause you to question your train of thought.  At the same time, you may influence others with your opinion as well, sending them down a new path in their domaining quest.   Hell, if you have a simple tip, just share it.  You’ll make other’s lives easier.  I think these two quotes pair together well.

“There is no conversation more boring than the one where everybody agrees.” – Michel de Montaigne

“Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument.” – Desmond Tutu


More Ideas

I’m not all new age, but there is some positive Karma in giving back.  One selfish reason is be cause you tend to learn something yourself.  Be inventive and find other ways to give back.  You could start a blog, write a guest post on a domain topic you’re passionate about (feel free to contact me if you have something in mind), create some new software tool or app that serves the industry, write a book, teach a class, start a parking company that makes money for domains that suck, write a top 10 pop song about domain names.  There are may possibilities and you’ll enjoy what ever it is you choose to do.  Just do something.

“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.” ― H. Jackson Brown Jr.

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