Home Domain Sales Domain Sales Email – From a Domainer to a Domainer

Domain Sales Email – From a Domainer to a Domainer

by Mike Sullivan

I like to share some of the domain sales emails I receive.  The thought is that there just might be something you can gain from some of these as examples of what to do, or what not to do, in your own emails.  This particular email looks to have been sent knowing that I am a domain owner as well.  I don’t typically try to target domain owners in sales emails.  I think there are better venues for that.  I tend to reserve emails more for end user sales.  Maybe I would if I had a business relationship with another domainer and thought that they may truly have an interest in a domain, but not out of the blue.

The major piece I feel this email lacks is that it doesn’t indicate at all why I might be interested in this domain.  Are there high monthly searches, do I have a similar domain, is this my niche, etc.  The email should not point out the main reason for contact as “I am selling this domain,” but instead, why it will benefit the person you are contacting.

Good afternoon,

I am contacting your company because I am selling the following domain name:


Please let me know if you would be interested in this domain.

Thanks, and best regards,

Sergei Shevchenko

Domain Owner


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chris January 7, 2011 - 11:33 am

this isnt even an email – a bot can generate this and send it out. It is extremely “cut and paste” no thought went into it – this would be an email i instantly delete

If someone sends out an email it should be unique – with the intention of actually selling it. Make your end user want the domain by telling him that he wants it. Give stats, data, and why the domain is worth his time

Clay Burt January 7, 2011 - 11:42 am

Well, at least it is brief… would have been better to just say “Please buy x” and not wasted any more time. Seriously though, I agree with Chris – that looks automated. Too bad he didn’t use a better template.

James Iles January 7, 2011 - 1:52 pm

Anyone looking to sell to end users should look at Rob Sequin’s guide on RobSequin.com

Mike Sullivan January 7, 2011 - 6:34 pm

@Clay & @Chris, totally a “plug in the name and hit bulk send” template.

William January 8, 2011 - 5:06 am

I wouldn’t instantly delete it, it would depend on the domain. The sales pitch means nothing to me and if anything my BS detector starts going crazy the more sales pitch the email contains.

However, when targeting end-users, I agree it should be personalized, as the pitch will probably mean more to them than they domain as most end users can’t tell a good domain from a shoe up their butt.

Sri January 8, 2011 - 10:49 pm


Sri January 8, 2011 - 10:54 pm

Some end-users really don’t seem to get it at all. They would register some crappy 3+ words domain and then spend thousands of dollars on PPC ads and SEO, when they could just get a decent keyword domain and happily drive free traffic.

Mike January 9, 2011 - 12:16 am

And lately these short url codes can even enhance advertising and marketing efforts, with tracking.. like Godaddy’s X.CO short code facility, TinyURL, etc..

@chrisco January 8, 2011 - 11:51 am

I think it’s a great letter. I instantly delete the sales pitch kinds you guys seem to be advocating.

Mike Sullivan January 8, 2011 - 11:53 am

@chrisco, good to hear your take… maybe we it works well for some.

DomainsHeat.com January 9, 2011 - 10:56 am

GoDaddy will fine domainer $279 for sending sales emails like they did to me…

Mike October 4, 2011 - 7:17 am

Godaddy need to stop worrying about what someone is trying to do to sell their domains (so long as it isnt spam – because there is a fine line between spam and a legit email campaign). I suspect they want you to purchase their “express mail marketing” and when you dont, they fine you.

What they need to do is look within their company and figure out why they allow Google to dictate business policy within their CashParking program. I think its pure BS that Google tells them to jump and they say “sure!”.

Godaddy threw me out of their parking program because they CLAIMED that Google told them I was committing click fraud. When I asked Godaddy to prove it, they told me that Google did not specify what domain(s), date(s), etc. So I took my 1500+ domains elsewhere and I control the traffic via forwarding AND I found out that there were “click-bots” coming from a parasite called Amazon EC2 which were going around and clicking on a lot of domainer’s parked domains ads. Just search around, you’ll find it. http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/AdSense/thread?tid=21a8736c98aa6523&hl=en is just the tip of that iceberg…

So its sad that a public company (google) can tell a private company (godaddy) what to do and they will do which is the tail wagging the dog. Google has become way too big for anyone’s benefit now. I hope the justice department tears them into pieces.

But, Godaddy too needs to grow some nads and tell them to take off. there ARE other ad provider companies out there and if nothing is worthy of godaddy then godaddy is large enough to develop their own advertising system at this point.

Jeff September 8, 2011 - 7:49 pm

I’ve been getting mails from domainings@gmail.com too. I’ve got a fairly premium domain name (k9.com), and I keep getting these pathetically low-ball offers.

I find it amusing, especially because I’ve declined offers many many times more than what they’re trying to buy it for.

I know this thread is ~7 months old, but they’re back at it again.

Mike October 4, 2011 - 7:05 am

I have been receiving emails from some dolt at “riverside domains” telling me that my “final chance to purchase xxxxxxxxx” is nearing. And I am thinking, PLEASE be the final, final email so I never hear from you again! 🙂 I just sent a complaint to the abuse handler for that IP.

I do not purchase, nor do I sell to other domainers. I refuse to go along with that “domainers buy a domain from another domain for pennies on the dollar” crap. If you wanted the domain name then you should have registered it. I know that you’re going to turn around and resell it to someone for the amount that I want to get so eventually that end purchase WILL come to me. They always do.

I hand register for $8 and resell to end users for $900 and make a darn good second income with absolutely no marketing at all. Its all inbound requests. I hold my pricing to what I set it to, and if someone refuses then someone else will purchase it. I resisted selling one particular domain for $100, $150, etc for years only to have recently sold it for $1800.


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