Home Domains Even More Companies That Find Value In KeyWord Domains

Even More Companies That Find Value In KeyWord Domains

by Mike Sullivan

As you might expect, I send out emails several times per week looking for end users for domains.ย  I received a call from one recipient of my email that didn’t understand what I was trying to convey.ย  Once I explained, she said “why would companies want to buy a domain name if they already have a website?”ย ย  She wasn’t trying to be a smart ass, she was actually asking so that she could understand where I was coming from.

I used this as a good opportunity to drop a couple of the previous examples I had posted.ย  To be exact, I used the “Toohpaste.com points to Crest.com” and “Honda also uses Scooters.com to get more visitors to their site.”ย  At that moment, she got it, and she realized the benefit.ย  Unfortunately, she was not a decision maker for the company but ensured me she would get my message to the right person…. we’ll see.

But since I love this concept, I have a few more examples to share.

  1. Drinks.com goes to DiamondStandardVodka.com
  2. Eat.com goes to Ragu.com
  3. Sleep.com goes to Mattress.com
  4. Drumsticks.com is register to Zildjan, but when I checked the name did not resolve to any site.
  5. Shades.com directs to SunglassHut.com
  6. Chips.com goes to Intel.com (I was expecting potato chips)
  7. BabyBottles.com goes to iis.net, a Microsoft site (and I have no idea why)
  8. Locks.com is Acme Security System’s main site
  9. Storage.com goes to ExtraSpaceStorage.com
  10. Lift.com goes to OtisWorldWide.com (elevators)

Let me know if you are aware of any others or when you come across some.ย  I love these.

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steve fox June 6, 2010 - 8:33 pm

Yes, once businesses catch on to what you just said the values of .com keywords will skyrocket.

We just have to wait until they understand.
Hard to believe they are this slow at getting it.

TheFromainer June 7, 2010 - 3:29 am

Hey Sully,
Always refreshing to see lists like that and even more refreshing to know that people like the lasy that called you are actually taking interest in the concept.

Check out one of my recent posts


Contains a link to a list of great generics owned by some UK companies.

Sully June 7, 2010 - 6:44 am

@Fromainer, Nice post. UK.COs are preferred in the UK over .coms.

Mike June 7, 2010 - 10:14 am

nice post thanks, now we can use this list as well to convince the end users:)

Jason June 7, 2010 - 12:26 pm

Nice post. However, I’ve explained your approach to many end-users. I’ve been rejected nearly a hundred times in the last three weeks

I uses the Easter.com and Hallmark example, loans.com and bankofamerica.com and so forth. It’s a real tough sale. I even offered a package deal that comes along with a few SEO articles, advertising on my blog and etc… Doesn’t work.

I’ve even tried to rent subdomains to businesses in my city. No leads at all. I own suisun.org and suisun.biz. I would assume that offering a $10 a month subdomain with pizza.suisun.biz forwarded to a pizza site in Suisun would be an instant sale. Another, notary.suisun.org or .biz. No such luck.

I’ve struck out on every aspect. My last sale was two months ago. I sold two domains. I sold one at the end of Jan. Now I’ve put in hundred times the work to get
nothing in return. I tried donations on my blog. I made $2 in one year. I’ve written so much content in the past three years, that I’m confident about my skill.

I under how the search engines work. I can write SEO articles. I put up valuable information on my blogs. Either I’m hitting the wrong marks or I have extremely bad luck. I would appreciate any help. Thanks.


Jason June 7, 2010 - 12:31 pm

End-users don’t understand. I sat in meetings trying to explain the advantages of targeted domains. I prepared Powerpoint presentations. I demonstrated how it works. Nothing.

Jason June 7, 2010 - 12:35 pm

I have a few questions. How do sites link in to another domain. How do I link into another site. For example, Alexa.com shows the sites that link into a website. Website outlook show how many backlinks are listed on a website. I asked many people everywhere. No answers.

Sully June 7, 2010 - 1:03 pm

@Jason, I personally don’t like the .biz tld and find the .org appealing in only in certain public interest situations. That may be part of the issue you are facing.

As far as linking, I think you are referring to back linking where other sites link to your site. You’ll need to reach out to other relevant sites and ask for a link exchange, or hire someone to do that for you.

Ritz June 7, 2010 - 2:25 pm

just like..
thebestCOFFEEintheworld.com links to… ?


Sully June 7, 2010 - 2:28 pm

@Ritz, Nice!

Mike O'Reilly June 7, 2010 - 10:35 pm

I think Marketing Departments do not understand the value of search, and keyword related domains.

It took them many years to adopt Direct Marketing techniques and online search marketing is similar.


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