Home Domains How are you managing your domain list?

How are you managing your domain list?

by Mike Sullivan

Luciana Bruscino has worked in the technology arena for over 15 years. She has always been fascinated by new technologies. She is particularly enthusiastic about the WordPress.  Chad Edwards, a friend, assisted her in the development of the My Domain List plugin. He has been involved in the buying and selling domain business for over six years.

Together, they have experience in setting up wordpress servers, creating and implementing wordpress templates, plugins and a variety of websites using similar technology (PHP, Javascript/CSS, MySQL, etc). Developing a wordpress tool to assist domain owner seemed to be the right fit.

Mike: I’ve seen some other domain management systems, but I think this is the first I’ve seen as a WordPress plugin. What made you decide to take this route?

Luciana: We chose the WordPress framework because of its maturity as a technology as well as the number of sites using the framework. In our experience, we noticed that there weren’t many similar domain-focused plugins products in the market. Therefore, we thought it would be good opportunity to provide domain owners (I like to call them domainers) with a way to quickly setup their domain portfolio on their own site without the assistant of a website developer.
The wordpress framework also allows the My Domain List plugin to be easily installed and setup. The plugin leverages WordPress features to enhance the domainers experience by allowing them to customize their domain list via WordPress Shortcode and summarize the domain offers in the WordPress Dashboard.

Mike:  Price is reasonable. Can you talk about the number of sales to date?

Luciana: I am pleased to say that the plugin has been gaining popularity. I believe we achieve that by understanding the needs of the domain owners and proving good customer service.  The sales have been on a steady increase and it met our initial expectation. Most importantly, we are getting good feedback from our customers on the plugin’s features and on the great support we provide. Customers have been pleased and that is the key for increased sales. We encourage users to continue to provide feedback so we can continue to improve the tool to fit the needs of the audience.

We sell the plugin exclusively through Code Canyon, premium domain sales site.

Mike:  How are people using the plugin today? Is it to manage their portfolio or to list their domains for sale?

Luciana: Customers are using the plugin in various ways. They use the plugin to market, manage and promote their domain portfolio for sale. The My Domain List plugin offers many features to allow domainers  to use the plugin for their current needs. Because of features such as pagination, table sorting, and filtering, some domain owners use it to simply list their domain portfolio and link it to a sale site. Others take advantage of feature such as Price Setting and the Make Offer button to receive leads from their own sites. Also, because the plugin pulls data automatically from the WHOIS database, some domainers use the plugin to manage their domain expiration and registrar information from the Admin panel.
From my perspective, the My Domain List plugin seems to be fulfilling the needs of most domain owners.

Mike:  What made you decide to create the plugin in the first place? Was it a problem you were trying to solve for yourself?

Luciana:  We decided to create the My Domain List plugin for domainers because we saw a lack of domain driven tools in the WordPress framework. During our research, we didn’t find a tool that encompassed features such as pagination, make offer button, customization, WHOIS data, and table sorting into one tool. So, we thought a plugin with these capabilities would be beneficial. We also thought creating a WordPress plugin would provide domain owners with the ‘ease of use’ advantage, so they can start promoting their portfolio quickly. Another strong reason for creating this tool was to alleviate my partners struggle with setting up his domains for sale on his site. My Domain List plugin solved his needs and the needs of many other domain owners with large, medium or small domain portfolio.

Mike:  It says on your site, and you previously mentioned, that the plugin collects the latest WHOIS information. Can the user import a list of domains or does it require manual entry?

Luciana: In the current version of the My Domain List plugin the users can simply add a list of domain names separated by comma or in a new line to a textbox in the Admin page. Once the user saves the domain list, the plugin uses a built-in API to collect the WHOIS data for each domain name. The data automatically populated for each domain is owner, registrar, extension, and expired, created and changed dates.

In the Professional version of the plugin, currently in works, the user will have the ability to import the domain names as well as other custom meta-data from a .csv file. The current import capability will also be available.

Mike:  You’ve decided to use a hyphenated domain name. Did you weigh that against the option of a non-hyphenated domain?

Luciana:  Since we created the website with the purpose to simply document the plugin’ features, we didn’t spend too much time looking for the best SEO domain name available. The hyphenated website was created with the intention of promoting and providing support and helpful information for current customers. The truthful reason for using the hyphenated domain name is that my partner already had purchased the my-domain-list.com name and we thought it fit beautifully for the plugin.

Mike:  Do you have any other ideas for programs or plugins that can be beneficial for domainers? Can we expect to see other products from you?

Luciana: This is a great question. The answer is Yes. I am currently working on the My Domain List Pro version for the plugin. This version compiles a list of feedback from the customers to provide a more robust and scalable domain tool. The Professional version will have many of the features in the current version, but it will be enhanced to support category filtering, customized currency, meta data (i.e description, thumbnail, redirect URL),  SEO options, Buy option via Escrow, Paypal, etc.

As a promotional campaign, we are willing to give 5 copies of the Beta My Domain List Plugin Professional edition. (Editor’s note: post a comment to be eligible and 5 random names will be selected).
Another plugin that I have developed that I believe is beneficial for WordPress users is Notify On Action. This plugin is available free of charge . This plugin allows you to send email notification based on a pre-determined template. The user has the freedom to decide when the notification is sent based on any action on their site. For example, this plugin works well with My Domain List plugin if the user wants to be notified or notify the customer when an Offer is made. Simply add the code provided by the Notify On Action, to the action code of the Make an Offer button and set up the template on the Admin site. If you need assistance in bundling the Notify Action plugin with your My Domain List plugin contact me at support@my-domain-list.com.

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Braden November 15, 2011 - 11:46 pm

Nice review Mike. Looks like it’s worth taking a closer look.

troy November 16, 2011 - 12:44 am

Please include me in the drawing. It sounds great.

Amy Smith November 16, 2011 - 12:57 am

Sounds like a Great Product for Domain Name Owners!

Jason Thompson November 16, 2011 - 1:02 am

Sounds like a great script, I’d love to be included in the drawing as well. I could see myself really using something like this. Thanks!

Luke November 16, 2011 - 1:21 am

Hi Mike

This plugin looks useful, please include me in the draw for a free copy.

I currently use desktop software for managing my portfolio but I would really like an online solution.

Tim Pearson November 16, 2011 - 7:45 am

Very nice review, with its enhanced features, the pro version definitely sounds like its worth a look, am using desktop software at the moment too, but to have a WordPress integrated option with all the bells and whistles would be great, thanks for sharing.

Website consultant November 16, 2011 - 8:09 am

Looks great especiallh if wr already have lots of domains collection.

If you have a video demo showing how is it gonna work, would be great !

Luciana November 19, 2011 - 1:32 pm

Hi ..

I am working on a video presentation for the Pro version. I will update the site with the info.

Sharon November 16, 2011 - 8:32 am

Great article! This plugin fills a huge gap for domainers who want to use WordPress for its ease of use to sell domains! I can’t wait to see the Pro version.

Brady November 16, 2011 - 9:09 am

Nice write up. I think a few screenshots of the plugin would be helpful to the reader.

Martin November 16, 2011 - 10:04 am

This looks like a nice tool that I’d like to try out.
Does it support IDNs?
Which tlds are supported in whois lookup?

jayjay November 16, 2011 - 10:37 am

Sounds like a great plugin, now all we need is away to lure buyers into the fray 😉


Zap November 16, 2011 - 11:14 am

Looks like a very nice plugin!I will defenetly include it in my website!please include me in the draw as well!

Mike November 16, 2011 - 11:31 am

Interesting. I think the idea of the video mentioned a few comments back would be helpful. The plugin sounds great, but I’m sure the video or screenshots could highlight additional features that I didn’t imagine with the blog write-up.

Please add me to the drawing. Thanks.

Arthur November 16, 2011 - 11:36 am

Great review.

The My Domain List plugin seems like it would be a great addition to any domainer’s toolbox.

vbb November 16, 2011 - 12:40 pm

Great plugin! short and simple.Does it support auto update of domain renewals and current registrars?

Schuyler November 16, 2011 - 2:24 pm

Wow. Sounds promising. Been looking for a web app to manage my portfolio for a while. Include me for sure!

Todd Hurrell November 16, 2011 - 3:22 pm

Please include me in the drawing for the Pro version. We have a large portfolio of names and I’d be happy to give you a glowing endorsement! 🙂 thanks – Todd

Bruce November 16, 2011 - 4:42 pm

I would have bought it right away but for one suggestion. I like others that manage domains have a large number to put on record but from what I could see there is no way to bulk upload. Will you have that included in a later updat?

Luciana November 19, 2011 - 1:30 pm

Hi Bruce

The Pro version an addition upload option to import CSV files containing domain information such as name, owner, registrar, price, etc

Steve November 16, 2011 - 5:43 pm

Sounds like a very useful plugin. Include me pls.

Steve Stankiewicz November 16, 2011 - 7:50 pm

I am going to pick this up at codecanyon tonight for a WP site I am working on about domaining which is a great plug-in after trying the demo.

Thanks for the article 🙂

Vincent DiAngelus November 17, 2011 - 7:03 am

Sounds great! I used a simple inventory manager for the same on my website, but the power to auto populate with whois details and the offer system are must have features.

Adam Strong November 17, 2011 - 2:01 pm

Looks like an easy plugin to create a quick sales site. nice

TSN November 17, 2011 - 3:45 pm

not much i can add except that it looks like it may be a very useful plugin, and it’s great to see people out there creating new solutions of this kind. i would certainly like to give it a test drive

Spencer November 17, 2011 - 8:18 pm

Please enter me in the Pro version drawing. Thanks.

Mike Sullivan November 19, 2011 - 3:04 pm

Thanks for participating everyone. The five winners have been randomly selected and Luciana will be reaching out with details on the pro beta.

Congratulations Steve, Schuyler, Martin, Sharon and Brady!!

Luciana November 19, 2011 - 5:19 pm

Thank you so much for agreeing to beta test the new version. I am looking forward to working with you.

Luciana November 28, 2011 - 8:33 pm


I haven’t created a video for the Pro version, but I have added some documentation material – http://my-domain-list.com/my-domain-list-pro/

Please let me know if you have any questions

Chris December 19, 2011 - 4:38 pm

Hi Mike,

Sort of off topic here. Where do you recommend that I should park a few exact match .com domains? I’m looking for a parking service that can help me generate revenue from a few keyword domains that I’m not sure I want to develop into sites yet.


Mike Sullivan December 20, 2011 - 11:28 pm

I don’t recommend parking for revenue at this point… Contact me offline with the names.

Luciana December 19, 2011 - 8:53 pm

The My Domain List Pro is now available – http://my-domain-list.com/my-domain-list-pro/

Chris April 5, 2012 - 11:15 am

Hey Sully, Where ya’ been? I always enjoy your articles!

Mike Sullivan April 5, 2012 - 11:24 am

Hey Chris –

I’ve been pretty busy over at MO.com. I’ll get some new articles on SullysBlog soon!

Mobile phone inc July 9, 2012 - 11:41 pm

Is the plugin still working fine? Is there any mobile app to manage domains?

Mark August 21, 2012 - 9:43 pm

have the same question, is the plugin still working fine?
And yeap, Sully, it’s been a while since your last post. Always enjoy your articles, can not wait for the fresh stuff.

Poor Uncle September 20, 2012 - 8:16 am

Hi Mister,

What are you up to these days? Time for a post to update us on what you are up to would be great reading…Thanks!

nobuy November 30, 2012 - 4:27 am

The support is poor.


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