Home Domains More Available Domains For You

More Available Domains For You

by Mike Sullivan

I suppose this could become a series because I can’t control myself from seeking out names and putting together possible sites in my head.ย  Let me know what you think of these and feel free to register them.ย  If you do, please post to let me and others know.ย  All are available at the time of this posting.ย  I didn’t do any investigation into the Google search volume, I just liked the names.

  • AdultPornAffiliate(s).com – This could easily be developed into a directory site of money making affiliates.
  • OnlineGamblingDebt.com – Maybe a message forum or help site?
  • 20YearRate(s).com – A site dedicated to 20 year mortgages and the lenders offering the best rates.
  • MortgageLendingRates.net – A great name for any mortgage broker

Again, please be kind enough to post if you register any of these.ย  If you would like to see more posts like this, let me know.

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Attila May 26, 2010 - 10:54 pm

I got MortgageLendingRates.net

Has 590 local and 880 global searches each month with an AVG $12 CPC. Not a lot in terms of search, however there is a prime keyword there “mortgage lending” which can be mixed and matched with various other keywords in the URL structure.

I made a note in my database in terms of “source” as SULLY – if I make some money off it, I will send you a small portion.

Thanks for making the post Sully!

Sully May 27, 2010 - 3:47 am

@Attila, glad you picked one up. No need to send me anything if it does well. Thanks for the comment.


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