Home Domains New Domain App

New Domain App

by Mike Sullivan

There aren’t a whole lot of apps available for mobile device that I would consider essential for domainers.   The latest app from Network Solutions doesn’t qualify as essential either, but it’s nice too see a new mobile device tool that actually has some value.

Domain Storm, by Network Solutions, is an iPhone app that allows you to search for domain names quickly, showing which TLDs are available and at what price.  While Network Solutions doesn’t have the most competitive domain registration prices, the tool is decent.  The app also allows you to check alternate, expired, and premium domains based on your original search term.

The next feature is “Brainstorm,” which requires one or two keywords.  Then give your iPhone a quick shake and in Vegas style slots, you wait for the two word combination to appear from the spinning windows.  There you have a suggested new domain name with availability per TLD.  The Brainstorm feature also has the ability to check alternate, expired, and premium domains based on your search terms.  There are other options as well.  You can turn hyphenation  on and off as well as adult terms.  There is also a geo option that will append the city, state, or country to your possible names based on your current location.

The WHOIS serach didn’t work for me.  After hanging for about 30 seconds, it crashed the app on my first attempt.  It worked with the second try, but the disclaimer information took up just about all of the available text and left me with no real WHOIS data at all.

By the way, the name DomainStorm.com is registered and has been since 2004.  I wonder how this would play out in a trademark case.

Overall, I like it.  I wish I could use this app but set my registrar of choice to make a purchase.  While it doesn’t show any search volume stats or valuation estimates, it still has a place in my app collection.  There are a limited number of TLDs listed, and .CO isn’t one of them.  Are there other apps that you like to use as part of your domain toolbox?  If so, I’d like to hear about them.

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nr August 30, 2010 - 1:03 pm

i use the GoDaddy iPhone app all the time but they still havent added support for auctions. I would like to see an app from Moniker, Sedo, Afternic, Snapnames, Namejet & Pool. I think its ridiculous that none of them have come out with an app by now. participating in domain auctions is definitely something people would want to do while on the road since ending times can be all day long.

Mojito Recipe August 30, 2010 - 1:21 pm

Is using an app to register a domain name like using a web page to subscribe to the hard-copy of the Sunday newspaper?

Sully August 30, 2010 - 1:31 pm

@nr I’d also love to see apps form those in your list.

@Mojito – that’s funny. I didn’t even think of domain vs. app scenario as I was posting. I have no fear of apps replacing domains. I do find myself wanting to check for domain availability while I am away from my pc.


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