Home Domain Sales Turning a “No” Into An Opportunity

Turning a “No” Into An Opportunity

by Mike Sullivan

I’m in the process of marketing one of my domain names to some large corporations.  Because I am still in discussions, I’m not going to mention any names, but it won’t reduce the value of what I am going to share here.

I initially contacted the marketing manager of a particular corporation with an industry relevant domain.  I kept the initial email brief, respecting his time and not wanting to burden him with statistics that he may not have had interest in.  He responded with a quick “xxxxx.com is a better name, do you own that?”  My initial thought was that his response was a “not interested” reply and I should move on because I don’t own the domain he countered with.   But at second glance, I saw this as an opportunity.

I did the standard research on the domain he sent, and it had far less global search volume than the domain I was pitching.  I compared the two on Google Trends and the graphical depiction was clearly in my favor.  I compiled the information and sent it back to the executive, along with my perspective.   It took only a few minutes of my time.  Within 30 minutes, he responded back impressed the information I provided and the insight I gave him into his own industry.  He took the information back to his team for further consideration.

This exchange may not result in a sale and that’s fine.  More important here is the trust and relationship I have developed with this individual and the potential this holds for the future.  We now are a part of each others network and can connect each other to people and opportunities we may not have otherwise been able to reach.

Make every interaction count, remain professional and build for the future.  Domaining is like any other business and relationships make all the difference.

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Joe August 25, 2010 - 1:12 pm

Congratulations. I really hope you’ll manage to sell them your domain.

Jim August 25, 2010 - 3:29 pm

Smart move Sully. A less shrewd person would’ve been put off by what might have been considered a dismissive riposte and then all comms are off! Hope you close the sale.

Sully August 25, 2010 - 4:33 pm

@Joe, @Jim – Thanks we’ll see how this one plays out.

Attila August 26, 2010 - 5:00 pm

Shall the marketing manager be of no help, there are always the general manager, the cheif technology guy and of course, the boss (ceo)…

I managed to do that while trying to buy me a domain. I ended up with a domain worth 6 figures for low 5 figure price. Its a country dot com, somewhere in the Caribbeans.


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