Home Domain Sales 3 Things NOT To Say In a Domain Sales Letter

3 Things NOT To Say In a Domain Sales Letter

by Mike Sullivan

It’s great to find sample sales letters that other domain owners use when selling to end users.  Some are excellent and can be used in almost every situation.  Others, are poorly written and ineffective.  I’ve noticed some trends in the letters I have received and it amazes me that the authors of these emails don’t see this as obvious.  I thought I’d pass these along in case anyone else is using these strategies or would like to debate their effectiveness.

3 Things Not to Say in a Domain Sales Letter

1.  I was going to develop this domain, but I currently don’t have time.

Really?  The domain is that good that you’re asking $xxx to $x,xxx and you don’t have time to develop it?  I understand that you don’t want to say, “hey I bought this and I’m looking to flip it,” but saying you don’t have time to develop it sounds more like “it’s not a good name and I’m trying to sell it.”  Try something like “This no longer fits into our business model for development”  to sound a little more professional about the transaction.

2.  This domain is better than the one you are currently using.

Ok, I’d like to sell you this domain, but first let me slap you in the face.  The fact may be that you do have a better domain you are offering, but stating that bluntly isn’t going to impress your potential buyer.  Instead, use data and bullet points that clearly outline the metrics you are trying to get across.  Let the buyer read this and easily come to the same conclusion that you would like to scream out loud.

3.  Here’s a link to (insert your favorite online appraisal tool) that shows this domain is worth $8,000.

While we all know the uses and limitations of automated appraisal tools, to an end user that is not apart of the domain industry, it will come across looking like a scam.  Most people have never heard of these, and if they have, they likely know that they have their limitations.  Anyone could quickly build a page that says their domain is worth any amount of money.  If an end user isn’t familiar with the tools you’re linking to, that’s exactly what they’ll think you did.  They’ll interpret it as a scam.

It’s the little things you can do to tweak your emails to make them more effective.  Words have the ability to influence or deter, so use them wisely and achieve the greatest impact.  If you have any good sales emails you use or have received and would like to share them, send them to me and maybe I’ll post them.  If you have one you’d like critiqued, send it as well.

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DR.VEGAS December 21, 2010 - 8:47 pm

Whew…thanx for the reminder mike.:-)
I DO NOT use anything of the sort in my sales pitches…but now I’m sure not to. I usually just check off 3 or 4 benefits of my domain(s) then leave a way to contact.

Mike Sullivan December 21, 2010 - 9:04 pm

@Dr.Vegas, listing benefits sounds like a good approach.

@chrisco December 22, 2010 - 7:11 am

#1 is funny because last month in this post https://sullysblog.com/Domain-Sales-Letter it says:

“I don’t have much in the way of critiquing this one, other than the Google search volume…

‘I am contacting you because coolbars.com appears for the search term “club suppliers”. I thought that you might be interested in knowing that I am selling my domain name ClubSuppliers.com, since I do not currently have the time to develop it myself.'”

Mike Sullivan December 22, 2010 - 7:18 am

@chrisco, I think a little fine tuning can go a long way. There is no perfect approach, but I’m always trying to find ways to improve things.

chris December 22, 2010 - 8:27 am

Sully – good tips

I have started sending domain sales letters and have made sure to not use anything like that. It is unprofessional and just sounds – well stupid. You want to make a sale not insult the end user by saying you are lazy, your domain is better than theirs, and its worth $xx,xxx. All these can immediately lead to someone hitting the trash button on their inbox.
When I write me letters I state my name and take a different approach by trying to tell the end user how this domain will HELP their site.
Good tips

MadDomainer December 23, 2010 - 1:38 pm

Good tips and I applaud you that you are constantly on the path of bettering yourself and your business practice.

Attila December 23, 2010 - 8:54 pm

Nice post. I don’t know how many times I contact domain owners to inquire about the domain they own to get replies like you mentioned. Its very annoying and just shows their lack of professionalism. Its why I try be like Elliot “never to buy domains from domainers” as it can become a ridiculous game…

Happy Holidays all!!

Mike January 9, 2011 - 12:12 am

And domainers never sell domains to other domainers as it quickly becomes a game as well….

Mike January 9, 2011 - 12:11 am

You could add:

4. Alexa and Compete rank this domain at XXXXX and YYYYY visitors per …

Smart folks know that Alexa and Compete stats are about as good as an appraisal is…… worthless.


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