There seems to be an infinite number of quality generic domain names. Some are better than others, but what matters most is that they are most effectively used. What good is a great domain name if it isn’t used wisely? Generics can be used to capture that precious “type-in” traffic or, as we saw last week with Clothes.com, they can be developed independently to maximize the SEO value. Here are this weeks names and their fine uses:
- Jelly.com is the Fischer and Wieser site (gourmet offerings)
- Irish.com forwards to LegacyRecordings.com (Irish music label)
- FileCabinets.com goes to Levenger.com (office supplies and furniture)
- Housewares.com loads CutleryAndMore.com
- Dentalwork.com is the site for a family dental office in Arizona
- Winery.com goes to Winetravel.com
- OvenMits.com to Chefdepot.com
- Leathershoes.com goes to Shoebuy.com
- Peanuts.com the Peanuts site
- Snoopy.com loads comics.com/peanuts
1 comment
Another one is Diabetes.com, which belongs to GlaxoSmithKline.