Home General New Domain Auction Platform

New Domain Auction Platform

by Mike Sullivan

Hopefully you’ve notice the the BoxCar.com marqueย  over to the right, displaying some high quality, key word rich, generic domain names.ย  I’d like to welcome BoxCar as a sponsor of Sully’s Blog and I suggest you visit the site if you haven’t already.ย  At a time when we are all looking for new means and methods of buying and selling domains, they have entered the market and made their presence known.ย  BoxCar.com is the new ‘buzz’ of the domain auction arena.

Created by the domainers at DomainConsultant.com, the platform is unique in that it allows users to list their domains for a small fee and adds no additional commissions or hidden fees.ย  That’s it, no other chunks of your earnings swept away by broker commissions.ย  There are features we haven’t seen anywhere else.ย  Sellers can add a YouTube video, Twitter feed or even a live feed to further promote their auction.ย  There seems to be much more to this platform and I’m looking forward to seeing more.

Until October 31, you can register for a full annual membership for just $1.ย  Take advantage of this introductory price.ย  Let me know if you buy or sell on this new platform, I’d love to hear about your experience.

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