Home Domains SEO Writer Takes a Chance with .CO

SEO Writer Takes a Chance with .CO

by Mike Sullivan

Renee Mirabito is a Copy and Content Writer. She is 27 years old and lives with her husband and two dogs in Melbourne, Australia. She has a BA in Literature, and an MA in Writing. When not working, she can be found out cycling, or just having fun with friends. Also, an avid traveler, she’s been lucky enough to see a much of Europe, Asia, and of course, Australia. She’s launching a new site at seocontentwriter.co.

Mike:  Tell me about your business.

Renee:  Growing up, I always wanted to write. When I was still at university, a teacher suggested I try and get some writing work online to build up a portfolio. Things really took off, and by the time I graduated I had a strong enough client base for it to be my full-time job. I was also having a lot of fun, and the work suited me well. When I started, I had no idea what search engine optimization was, but I learned plenty on the job. By the time I had enough experience to get the job I initially wanted in Journalism, I’d already fallen in love with online writing. While I still do some feature writing for magazines, most of my work is for websites and blogs. I launched my website in 2009, but didn’t really put a lot of time into it until the beginning of 2010 when I started writing full-time. I’m really happy with how it is looking now, and with the increase in hits I’ve had over the last twelve months.

Mike:  As an SEO article writer, what type of results have you delivered to your clients?  How has this helped them in search engine rankings?

Renee:  It’s really satisfying when a client calls me up and says, ‘Hey, I’ve just Googled myself, and I’m number three now. This stuff you talk about works!’ A lot of people are really surprised by the results you can get just by changing your web copy. Probably one of the best results achieved was for a real estate business. Over the course of six months the company went from #68 to number #9 for one keyword, and from #27 to #11 for another. A lot of the businesses I work with have spent money on sponsored search results, and been really impressed at being able to achieve organic results for a lower outlay.

Mike:  How are you expecting this domain to have an impact on your business?

Renee:  My goal for seocontentwriter.co is to drive traffic to my main site. My main site is flash, while I love its look, it can make climbing the Google ranks that little bit harder. Also, I felt that a blog was the best way to keep putting fresh content online. Content is king, but I think a blog is the best way to achieve this, rather than constantly changing the copy of a main site. I’ve had the name registered for a while now, and have mostly been playing around with formats and ideas. In the new year I plan to build it up as a really useful resource for small businesses, who don’t have big budgets for their online marketing.

Mike:  Any concerns about it being a .CO?  Do you feel that a .CO can rank as well as a .COM?

Renee:  Initially I had reservations about a .co domain, but some of the pre-release prices paid encouraged me to go ahead with the idea. A .co definitely has the potential to rank as well as a .com, in my opinion. I think that their performance is really going to depend on how people treat them. If they are regarded as a local domain then that is what they will become. If they’re sought after, and regarded in the same light as a .com, then they will rank the same way. When I chose my domain, it was a bit of a gamble. Ultimately I decided getting the keywords I wanted in the domain name was more important than having my ideal TLD.

Mike:  What advice have you given clients regarding the selection of a domain name?

Renee:  Having multiple domain names is a great way of improving your SEO. Whether you want to set up a blog, or simply point domains at your existing site, it’s a very cost effective way of improving your traffic. For local businesses, I’ll always advice they purchase their trading name, as well as a keyword domain, such as ‘sydneylocksmiths.com.au’.

Mike:  Do you have any other online marketing strategies that you recommend to your clients?

Renee:  Most of my clients are small businesses, who don’t have a massive budget for their online marketing. While many businesses have websites, they don’t pay a lot of attention to SEO in their copy. Beyond making a company look more professional, a few changes to copy can help a site to rank a lot better. I really encourage all of my clients to build up their content with information that is helpful to visitors. It’s also essential to keep offering new content all the time. Of course, Google loves this, but you also give your visitors a reason to keep coming back.

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Tim Davids December 14, 2010 - 7:42 pm

I have a domain Renee may like. PortPhillip.com 🙂

You didn’t mention rates…I’ll go check out her site.

Mike Sullivan December 14, 2010 - 9:14 pm

A marketing trick to get you to visit the site :). Ok, really I forgot to ask.

Uzoma December 14, 2010 - 8:14 pm

If you check the trend, you’ll notice the world is embracing .CO as the new standard, from South Africa, to Australia to UK, many .CO websites are popping up, including mega companies such as the popular British Amplifier Brand, Laney. Slowly, it is creeping up, before you know, .CO will be untouchable. Here are just a few developed .CO sites:

jamesclarke.co (UK)
commotion.co (UK)
strongwood.co (UK)
indigo.co (UK)
laney.co (UK – popular amplification brand)
partech.co (UK)
bretto.co (Egypt)
skaaning.co (Denmark)
intro.co (Norway)
edas.co (Norway)
klapp.co (Sweden)
capex.co (New Zealand)
scoala.co (Romania)
parfumi.co (Bulgaria)
haskovo.co (Bulgaria)
rentacarbg.co (Bulgaria)
macaroon.co (South Africa)
imara.co (South Africa)
autogen.co (South Africa)
truckandplantonline.co (South Africa)

Mike Sullivan December 14, 2010 - 9:15 pm

I heard the question raised somewhere… I wish I could cite the source, but it went along the lines of “would .CO be so successful without the help of domainers?”

Lori Anne December 15, 2010 - 7:08 am

Hey Mike,

I can answer the question for you! 90% of registrants of .CO domain names buy only 1-2 domain names. 9% buy between 3-10. Only 1 % of registrants buy over 10 domain names. Domainers, while important to any domain extension, are definitely not the driving force behind the demand and growth of the .CO extension.

I hope that helps! Feel free to reach out to me should you have any questions about .CO!

And great blog!

Lori Anne
.CO Internet SAS

Mike Sullivan December 15, 2010 - 5:19 pm

nice list,(I’ll assume the non English are nice too 🙂

Michael Hallisey December 14, 2010 - 10:01 pm

What am I going to do with my TreeMan.co domain?! I got sucked in!

I’m starting a new project Mike ArcadeMonitor.com I am sticking with .com’s for all websites!

I like Renee’s flash site its cool looking and I noticed that SeoContentWriter.com is for sale on Sedo for $499. ??
http://bit.ly/fJUzZC why not just get that instead of messing around with the .co It is such a small price that you are going to be kicking yourself if someone else buys it!

Mike Sullivan December 15, 2010 - 5:21 pm

Not bad… Thanks for pointing that out.

Chris December 15, 2010 - 9:05 am

Finally a .CO article!

I have my own blog (zoop) that is a .co domain. I created a section that showcases developed .CO domains. I put a link to their site along with a snapshot to show people that .co is used and is here to stay. However I dont have too many .co’s to show off haha – Sully i need your help!

Anyways – good write up and Im glad .CO is finally being recognized.

I am one the 1% that has more than 10 .COs – that I eventually want to develop.

Mike Sullivan December 15, 2010 - 5:24 pm

@Chris, I’ll see what I can do 🙂

Adam Gold December 17, 2010 - 10:36 am

I’m also one of the 1%, I registered about 20 domain names and none of them is developed yet but here’s few examples of the .co I got.. i’m not sure how good I did but only time will show I guess 🙂
BocaRaton.co (city where i’m from), SEOPro.com, CaribbeanDeals.co…
Also thanks to godaddy and overstock for helping with promoting the extension.

Michael Hallisey December 25, 2010 - 4:52 pm

I am just going to point this out but you did not buy SEOPro.com your muscle memory spelled out .com instead of .co


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