Home Domains Day 16 – How much are domains selling for?

Day 16 – How much are domains selling for?

by Mike Sullivan

We’re in the home stretch, week 3, day 16 of 21 days to becoming a better domainer. ย The lesson for today is to simply get comfortable researching what domain names are selling for and also to look back historically at what names were selling for a year a go, 5 years ago, 10 years ago.

Where do you go to find out these things? ย Well, you’re already familiar with some of the blogs in this space and probably have noticed which bloggers tend to report this out. ย Jamie over at DotWeekly.com does an amazing job of tracking which big businesses are buying and selling which names. ย The best blogging resource on actual prices has to be Ron Jackson at DNJournal.com. ย Ron has the latest newsworthy prices posted at dnjournal.com/domainsales.htm and a whole history can be found in the archives.

Other than blogs, you can head to NameBio.com and search the various sales venues for what certain domains have sold for. ย They have a great search feature there that allows you to enter keywords, old, price, etc. ย You’ll even see the history. ย For example, here is the results when I search for “cooldomains.” ย Someone made a good investment.


There are other options as well. ย If you have explored some of the automated valuation tools such as estibot.com, you’ll see that estibot returns some historical domain sales for you to see as part of the valuation result for the domain you enter. ย Not quite and customizable as NameBio, but something to keep an eye on as you search.

There are plenty of other ways to get at this information. ย The important thing is that you start to pay attention to it and understand it. ย You’ll see patters. ย You’ll see randomness. ย It’s all there for you to sort out.

There is no perfect formula for coming up with a sale price for a domain, but a little education goes a long way.

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Eric Lyon February 5, 2018 - 7:16 pm

Many comparisons like that will also show a huge devalue in a domain name asset over the years. Not all niches or trends are created equal. ๐Ÿ™‚

The Domain Guy February 18, 2018 - 12:01 pm

I followed all your write of the 21 day series. It’s good. Let me see how the results follow.
Regarding this one, I believe NamePros’s Reported Domain Sales Thread that often includes sales that don’t appear anywhere else are helpful too.


They have non-conventional real time small/medium sales. I personally have used this trend to find some amazing domains


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