Home Domains Day 15 – Time to sell some domain names

Day 15 – Time to sell some domain names

by Mike Sullivan

Happy Friday and day 15 of 21 days to becoming a better domainer. It’s been a busy three weeks if you’ve been following along and trying to incorporate these tips into your domaining routine.  We’ve talked about getting information and learning on a daily basis, reaching out to more experienced domainers, building your net work, assessing your domain names, determining your focus, and today its all about selling.

You acquired some names and you’re you’ve done some learning so now it’s time to get those names out there were people can find them.  You have some options as to where you list your names but before you do that, my suggestion is that you create a landing page for each of your domain names, bulleting out some of the benefits of owning the name and  giving potential buyers a way to contact you with an offer.

You have some options here as well.  One option is to create your own landing page.  You probably know a little html and if not, you could learn enough to create a basic page easy enough.  Another option is to use a domain sales theme such as the one developed by Ed de Jong.  I’ve tried a few different approaches, but the one that worked best for me has been Efty.  Back in May, I wrote an article about my early experience with Efty.  Worth reading if you are considering giving it a go.  Just the other day, Omar and Will posted a video about landing pages vs parking.  Which route you decide on is up to you, my advice is to just get something out on that page that allows buyers to contact you.

Adding a landing page greatly increases your odds of being contacted with an offer.  Most end users are just going to type the name in and see what’s there.  If there is nothing, they have no idea how to contact you.  But don’t stop there.  Get your names listed on sites like Sedo, Afternic, and NameJet to name a few popular platforms.  The idea is to get your names where people can find them.  This is an important step that is often skipped.

I also like the premium listings and auction options at GoDaddy.  Having your names available on GoDaddy is great because it’s probably the most popular registrar in existence (I have no data to back that up, nor do I feel like searching for it).

You’ve done lots of homework and learned quite a bit and you deserve to make some sales.  Don’t just sit on the information you have, get your landing pages in place and get those names listed where they can be seen by buyers.  I’m looking forward to hearing which platforms you like the best.

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Andrew Hyde February 3, 2018 - 10:40 am

Landing pages seem to work best for me, there’s no distractions to look at other names and no commissions to pay.

Michael Januszewski March 11, 2018 - 1:11 pm

Landing pages for sure.

Domain Executive August 16, 2018 - 2:57 am

Tried both Efty and Domain Market Pro and decided to keep DMP. If you want more flexibility, then try DMP. DMP also offers functions such as integrated Blog, News sections and SEO tools.


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