Home Reviews Domain Suggestion Tool Produces $1,200 Domain

Domain Suggestion Tool Produces $1,200 Domain

by Mike Sullivan

You may have recently seen TLD.org advertised in the Sponsored Headlines section of Domaining.com at some point over the last week.ย  The site claims toย  find quality unregistered domain names and list them for domainers to sort through and register.ย  I had a look at the site early today and had a look at some of the names.ย  I actually took a look about a week back and the inventory of names seems to have grown quite a bit in that time.

The site features the ability to hone in using search criteria and as the inventory of names grows, I can see that feature being more useful.ย  At the moment, it’s easy enough to browse through the list of available names, page by page.ย  The are lots of adjective/noun combination that don’t always work, such as BrownKnobs.com or WhitLevers.com.ย  I didn’t sift through the whole list, but a couple of names did pop out at me. I did a quick check on Valuate.com and here’s the results:

Domain Estimate

Do Iย  think these domains are worth that price?ย  Well… they are not names I am in the market for and I didn’t register them (they are both still available to hand reg).ย  But I think the site does have potential and is a tool to watch over the coming weeks.ย  As I mentioned, I didn’t review all the names so there could be some prizes in there.ย  I’m not sure how the site or the owners generate these names, but I’d keep an eye on this site and see how it continues to develop.

finds quality unregistered domain names and list them for domainers to sort through and register.
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Brian Null November 9, 2010 - 8:27 pm

i think Randy Moss might have a TM on that first one… ๐Ÿ˜‰

Will November 9, 2010 - 8:54 pm

@ Brian… good one! I’m a Titans fan, so I hope he’s not too used up!

Arbel Arif November 9, 2010 - 10:41 pm

My Tool Produce a lot more better domains with search volume everyday.

Mike Sullivan November 9, 2010 - 10:46 pm

@Arbel, I must admit, I’ve bought and resold a name from pickupnames.com. Nice service you have there.

TLD November 9, 2010 - 11:19 pm

Mike – thanks for the shout out, we appreciate it!

@Arbel – TLD.org is a free tool for people to use which lists thousands of domain names that people can sort through in seconds through our interface, whereas pickupnames lists 3 domains a day. Also, TLD.org does not make demands such as “Once you register a domain from our list you need to pay us $5 fee per name!” as pickupnames does.

Sri November 10, 2010 - 7:40 am

The keyword search using “floral” did not produce any domain. Compare that to the Estibot “domain idea tool”.

Suresh November 11, 2010 - 1:10 am

Nice one! But I don’t trust the valuate appraisal. ๐Ÿ™


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