Home Domains Relationships in Domaining

Relationships in Domaining

by Mike Sullivan

Earlier this month, I posted about how I contacted someone who bought one of my domains on Snapnames.  That person ended up buying a handful of additional related domains from me.  As I think about that, if I look at my most recent 5 clients (and I call them clients as opposed to customers because I see it as a long term relationship), 2 of them have made multiple purchases from me, 1 will likely make future purchases, and the last 2 were each probably a one time deal.  I’m not a domaining expert (I’m working on it), and I am no salesman by any means.  But helping your existing clients to see how they can use the domains to their advantage will only help you with future sales.

Give them advice on how to park the name until they are ready to use it.  Ask them if they plan to develop the domain, create a sales page, or point it to their existing site.  In any case, you may have some advice for them on how to best go about that.  If you are lucky enough that they already have a good understanding of the value of domains, just maintaining a good relationship with them can lead to another sale.  Most of my sales come from hand regs, so the values are not astronomical, but overtime I’m banking on good relationships improving my bottom line.

Photo credits: http://www.flickr.com/photos/aroberts
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DomainTweeter June 14, 2010 - 2:56 pm

Nice post. Hadn’t thought of doing this with names that I have sold via Snapnames where I didn’t have previous contact with the buyer.

Sully June 14, 2010 - 3:30 pm

@DomainTweeter, thanks. I’ve got a couple other ideas I’m trying out and I’ll post them if I have any luck.

katy lopez June 21, 2010 - 1:35 am

Hi Sully:
I get the domaining digest and that was how I found you. I really enjoy your blog. You have provided me with alot of information that I, as a Newbie in this wonderful world of Domain names need so much. I am still in the begining process. Could you give me some info on how to create a sales page? I also have (36) domains parked at SEDO that I want to develop. Can you also tell me how I go about creating a portfolio?I would greatly appeciate it.
Thanks so much
Katy Lopez

Sully June 21, 2010 - 6:58 pm

Hi @Katy, thanks for reaching out. Those are some broad questions you’re asking. Send me an email and I’d be happy to try to help.

katy lopez June 22, 2010 - 12:17 am

Hi, Thanks for your quick response. I did find some great info on portfolio’s. Also thank you for the offer of help. I do need your email address though.
katy lopez


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