Home General The New MySpace… Do you care?

The New MySpace… Do you care?

by Mike Sullivan

I just received A notification from MySpace on the relaunch. Do I care… so far, not really. MySpace was once a popular social media platform, especially among the younger crowd. While it still receives a ton of traffic, it’s nothing like it once was at it’s peak of popularity. I never personally had a MySpace page, and at the moment, I don’t intend to.

I say “at the moment” because there was a time when I thought Twitter was just plain stupid. A short blurb of text, how important can that be? I now understand Twitter as a key communication and marketing tool when used properly. Who am I to say that MySpace won’t make a comeback? Some will embrace the change, some will resist. Others, like me, will just wait it out and see what happens.

Presenting the new Myspace

Myspace | Myspace Video

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Joe December 5, 2010 - 4:55 am

MySpace has had its glorious moments , but that’s an ended story.

Mike Sullivan December 5, 2010 - 9:47 am

@Joe, I think you are right. It will make an interesting story if they are able to rebound.

TeenDomainer December 5, 2010 - 9:58 am

I don’t think one of my friends still used myspace in my opinion its a lost cause.

Chris December 8, 2010 - 12:57 pm

Im 24 so the entire “social network” thing was becoming popular right around my high school / college days. Myspace was high school – facebook was college.
Now no one uses myspace, well at least 99% of the people I know dont – and everyone’s on facebook. But the problem with facebook is that I feel that there are TOO many people on facebook these days – I mean come on – who the hell wants to open their inbox to a friend request from the creepy janitor back in grammar school….

Mike Sullivan December 8, 2010 - 1:00 pm

@Chris, awesome perspective. Thanks… and stay away from that janitor.


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