Home General Contributing to MO.com

Contributing to MO.com

by Mike Sullivan

I have some news to share.  I’ve officially signed on as a writer with MO.com.  I’m very excited to be apart of this group of talented individuals.  MO.com was founded by Brian Null, and entrepreneur himself, and climbs into the minds of entrepreneurs to learn about them and their business strategies.  Here is a description from the site itself:

MO.com interviews entrepreneurs from all walks, across all industries, and from around the world. We focus on their habits and methods; what makes them tick. The primary focus of MO.com is entrepreneurship.

M.O. is the abbreviation for Modus Operandi or Method of Operating and we interview entrepreneurs to learn about their methods and to share their strategies and business philosophies with our readers.

We’re entrepreneurs ourselves and we get energized talking with others that have traveled down the same path of launching a new business or folks that are just about to embark on the adventure of starting a business.

This is right up my alley and I’m looking forward to contributing.  How will this impact my blog?  The plan is that it won’t impact it at all.  I’ll continue writing and posting interviews on my blog as well.  Now you’ll just have two places you can find me.  Once specific to domains, and the other specific to entrepreneurs.

I highly encourage you to visit the site and read through the interviews there.  There is much to be gained from doing so.

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Ed - Michigan June 28, 2010 - 6:37 pm

Brian’s a smart guy and a class act.
Glad for you!

Ed – Michigan

Sully June 28, 2010 - 6:46 pm

@Ed, Thanks very much.

jeff June 28, 2010 - 9:32 pm

congrats on the exciting news and be a part of a wonderful team they have.

its a win/win for everyone..


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