Home Domains Outbound Domain Emails – Free Templates that Worked for Me

Outbound Domain Emails – Free Templates that Worked for Me

by Mike Sullivan
Domain Sales Emails

Domaining isn’t easy and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. If it was easy, there would be way more people and way more large corporations saturating the market. You’ll notice that there is always a steady infusion of new domainers in the forums, on Twitter, and in the market. You’ll also notice that when things get tough, many of them drop out of the scene entirely. The way to develop a skill in any area is to work long and hard at it and try different approaches. Then you take what works and try to make it better and discard what doesn’t work.

Many new domainers like to focus on hand registered domains. The primary reason for this is the low barrier to entry. It’s easy to pick up a hand reg fro $8 – 12 and try to flip it for a little profit. The easiest way to sell those names is by seeking out a buyer. These names aren’t the cream of the crop so don’t expect buyers to come knocking down your door. I’ll save the post on how to find a nice hand reg for another day, but the focus today is on how to sell them.

You have a couple of options. You can (and should) post them for sale on your favorite domain sales platform with a ‘buy it now’ price. But chances are, you are not going to quickly unload your inventory that way. If you want to start making money on those names, you’re going to have to put in some work. You’ll need to research potential buyers (also a post for another day) and then reach out to them. One of the most efficient ways of doing this is through email.

I recently released a book on GumRoad and Amazon called Domain Sales Emails That Work! This book is based on my years of experience sending and modifying emails and measuring the results. It describes the logic behind the different formats that I send to different types of buyers and why somethings work and others don’t.

Free Domain Email Templates

I am providing my email templates to you for free because, as have said in the past, your success does not take away from my success, it merely complements it. The domaining community was good to me when I first joined and I want to be good to the domaining community in return. The link that follows contains the same email templates that are in the book, and I will continue to add to the templates at this link as I refine my process and share my successes. Although I am providing the templates for free, I still encourage you to buy the book to understand the “why” behind the emails. It’s under $10 and I would take it as a sign of appreciation, especially if you find the templates I provide work well for you. Reviews are also appreciated.

Get Your Free Domain Sales Email Templates – Just enter your email below


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