Home General Social Networking Perks and a Thank You

Social Networking Perks and a Thank You

by Mike Sullivan

Today was a strange day at Sully’s Blog.ย  The site when down twice for two unrelated reasons.ย  First, a file was corrupt and prevented some pages from loading and then there was a strange server load that caused the hosting company to temporarily take the site off line.ย  But who really cares about my server issues?ย  All is resolved now, and aside from having a couple of people to thank for getting me back in action so quickly, there is also a lesson here.

First, social networking pays off in many different ways.ย  The are obvious reasons such as being a great outlet for micro promoting your business or just staying in touch with firends.ย  But there are other great reasons as well.ย  In my case, I have a loyal reader, @notoffline, to thank for alerting me to a problem with my site.ย  I received a tweet this morning tipping me off.ย  Because the main page was up, but not other pages, I may not have otherwise known for hours.ย  For this reason alone, it pays to network and to be active in your network of connections.

Second, a big THANK YOU to Michael Sumner of DN Media, my “go to” guy when I have an issue that needs to be resolved.ย  I encourage you to check out his work at MiniSites.com and see what you can do with your domains.

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