Home Domains I’m 32 years old, is it too late to be a domainer?

I’m 32 years old, is it too late to be a domainer?

by Mike Sullivan

As a person who’s never shied away from sharing my email address with the world, I often find myself on the receiving end of queries from ambitious domain enthusiasts eager to dip their toes into this fascinating industry. Today, I received a rather intriguing question from a gentleman who’s clearly got his head in the clouds.

He asked, “I just celebrated my 32nd birthday. Is it too late for me to embark on a domaining journey?”

My dear friend, I regret to inform you that you’ve missed the domaining bus. It’s tragically late for someone at the age of 32 to compete against fresh-faced domainers in their teens or early twenties who have nothing but time on their side. There are mountains of obstacles stacked against you – so many, in fact, that listing them all would turn this blog post into a novel. But let’s just skim the surface.

Let’s say, hypothetically, you’re a domaining novice. You’re starting from ground zero. You’ll need to invest some quality time to get the hang of this whole domaining thing. Brace yourself though, because finding any blogs or forums dedicated to domaining is akin to searching for a needle in a haystack. Successful domainers are notoriously tight-lipped about the industry, especially on social platforms like X (the artist previously known as Twitter). It’s as if they don’t exist. It’s like they’re members of an exclusive secret society. There’s simply NO information out there. Period.

But let’s assume, by some stroke of miraculous luck, you manage to unearth some information sources – blogs, forums, feeds that generously provide you with nuggets of wisdom. You’d want to tread lightly.

To begin with, you’d need to get your hands on at least one domain. That’s roughly a 5-minute job. Whether it’s a hand reg or an aftermarket domain, you’d need to conduct some research to ensure it’s the perfect fit for you. Add a few more days for negotiation and escrow, and voila! You’re already a week closer to your 33rd birthday. Time’s a-ticking!

Next on the agenda: finding a marketplace to sell your precious domain. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if there was an auction site or platform specifically designed for selling domains? Or perhaps a newsletter? Until that glorious day dawns, you might have to resort to old-school outbound emails to reel in potential buyers. But let’s face it, that’s as effective as trying to catch fish with a tennis racket. Nevertheless, let’s assume it takes an average of three years (or more) to sell a domain name. It could happen sooner, or it could take longer. Considering the average life expectancy in the 21st-century hovers around 39.4.4 years, odds are you won’t be around to bask in the glory of your successful sale.

As much as I hate being the bearer of bad news, and despite my best efforts to sweeten the bitter pill, I felt it was my duty to give our friend here the unvarnished truth. So there you have it, the harsh reality of domaining after 32.

PS – All the good names are taken anyway.

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